Monday, 18 October 2010

Monday 18th October: Schedule for this year

Many thanks to all of you who signed up to either present or organise drinks and snacks at the welcome drinks last Friday. Special thanks also to those of you who signed up to do both. So that you can all put the dates in your diaries and start musing about what to present, I am posting the schedule here.
Happy Hour Schedule
Michaelmas Term
Wk Date Presenter Drinks & Snacks
3 22-Oct Sarah Sandford Francisco Costa
4 29-Oct Oliver Pardo-Reinoso Thiemo Fetzer
5 05-Nov Anne Brockmeyer Anne Brockmeyer
6 12-Nov Kara Contreary Mazhar Waseem
7 19-Nov Ben Baumberg Can Celiktemur
8 26-Nov Torsten Persson Jon de Quidt
9 03-Dec Oliver Vanden Eynde Justin Kueh
10 10-Dec QUIZ Dimitri Szerman
Lent Term
1 14-Jan Jason Garred Kara Contreary
2 21-Jan Francisco Costa Oliver Pardo-Reinoso
3 28-Jan Mohammad Vesal Sarah Sandford
4 04-Feb Janne Tukiainen Matt Skellern
5 11-Feb Can Celiktemur Oliver Vanden Eynde
6 18-Feb Dimitri Szerman
7 25-Feb Patrick Blanchenay
8 04-Mar Jon de Quidt
9 11-Mar Prakarsh Singh/Selim Gulesci
10 18-Mar Mohammad Vesal Giorgia Barboni
11 25-Mar Sebastian Kodritsch Sebastian Kodritsch

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