Friday, 29 January 2010

Friday 29th of January: "We don't need no education system: the merits and limits of home schooling"

This week Timothee will introduce the topic

"We don't need no education system: the merits and limits of home schooling"

Some suggested readings can be found here:

We look forward to seeing you all at 6pm in the STICERD social space.

Friday, 22 January 2010

Fri 22nd Jan - Accountability for charities: donors-shareholders?

This week, Sarah will introduce the exciting question of accountability for charities, and ask whether corporate governance can bring useful lessons to charity governance, or if the two are intrinsically different.

Background readings:
As usual we will meet in STICERD common area at 6pm sharp. Please be on time.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Fri 15th Jan 2010 - Should we worry about parliamentary coalitions?

This week, Justin will start the discussion on parliamentary coalitions, asking whether we should really worry about them.
“This too, I know, that England does not love coalitions.”
So quipped Benjamin Disraeli in December 1852. But as the spectre of a hung Parliament looms, is it really a bad thing to have a coalition government? After all, in countries such as Germany, France, Italy, Israel and India, coalition cabinets are considered normal. Let’s leave the media to interrogate Nick Clegg and brand him as kingmaker; we will debate whether a coalition government is really something to worry about.
Suggested readings for the discussion:
As usual, we meet this Friday at 6pm in STICERD common area.